What time should you go to see wildlife? Why not at Midnight in the Summer? Here is the ultimate midnight sun whale watching by Sea Safari Andenes
The most common whale species off Andenes are male Sperm whales. Up to 20 meters long and 60 tons heavy they are the largest toothed whales of the planet. Now it is possible to combine whales and midnight sun with a visit to one of Northern Norways most important bird cliffs, Bleiksøya. There you will see thousands of Puffins, White-tailed eagles and other species under the midnight sun. Have your camera ready to capture this spectacle of nature.
Combined midnight sun trip: Whales and birds.
Our midnight sun trips take place between end of May and end of July, and are weather dependent. It is a combined whale and bird watching tour and is offered at specific dates, if the weather conditions allow for and last about 4 hours.
Procedure of a combined midnight sun bird and whale watching trip
- Information on whales and birds before departure
- Safety brief
- Thermo-floatation suit and life west
- Wear warm clothes and waterproof boots
- 4 hours about

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