Our purpose
The purpose of Northern Norway Tourist Board is to establish and further develop Northern Norway as a sustainable year-round destination, through market development and facilitating sales of Northern Norwegian tourism products. This is to the benefit of employment, settlement and general interests in Northern Norway.
We aim to create real and measurable results by increasing the awareness of the region, both nationally and internationally. Our company want to stimulate increased value creation and profitability through close dialogue with our partners and clients.
Ownership and partners
Northern Norway Tourist Board (NordNorsk Reiseliv AS) is mainly owned and financed by Nordland, Troms and Finnmark county municipalities. We also work closely with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway, destination companies (see our destination map), R&D institutions, tourism companies/networks and other visitor management in our region.

In addition, we have extensive cooperation with our partners Swedish Lapland Visitors Board and Finnish Lapland Tourist Board, first through the projects Visit Arctic Europe (phase I and II) and now the Arctic Europe Tourism Cluster (AETC). This project is financed by Interreg Aurora. Other financiers: Innovation Norway, Troms fylkeskommune, Finnmark fylkeskommune, Troms Holding, Regional Council of Lapland and Region Norrbotten.

Northern Norway Tourist Board is also a member of some national and international organizations (click on the logos for more info):
Northern Norway Tourist Board has offices in Alta, Tromsø and Bodø. If you need to get in contact with anyone in the company, please contact one of the following persons.

Jan Roger Eriksen
Head of Travel Trade
+47 977 43 317
Olga Phillippenko
Travel Trade Manager
+47 477 68 508
Arūnė Kliorė
Digital mediespesialist
+47 482 40095
Siw Sandvik
Head of Communication and Consumer Marketing
+47 947 93 075
Roger Johansen
Web Manager
+47 918 49 075
Rigmor Myhre
Communication Manager B2C
+47 958 55 320
Trond Øverås
+47 906 26 170
Knut Hansvold
Project Manager
+47 926 68 019
Marie Nystad
Media Producer
+47 954 23 503
Agnete Stensland
Market Analyst
+47 922 61 436
Alexia Diakaki
Project Manager
+47 936 23 711