Unsere Branchenkanäle und Medientools

Hier sind sechs nützliche Tools und digitale Plattformen für Sie und Ihr Unternehmen in der Reise- und Erlebnisbranche (auf Englisch):

iLag – online community for the northern tourism

Common platform for partners of the travel industry – for communication and sharing enlightning content with each other (in Norwegian). Read exciting news and important knowledge for your business at ilag.nordnorge.com.

Facebook – business page for the northern tourism

Follow us, comment and share our posts on our joint business page (in Norwegian) at facebook.com/nordnorskreiseliv. Share your posts with the tag @nordnorskreiseliv.

TravelTrade – online community for international business

Our common platform for joint ventures between foreign operators and Northern Norwegian companies with export ambitions (in English). Make your connection to the Northern Norwegian experiences and international B2B initiatives at traveltrade.nordnorge.com (this site is under construction).

LinkedIn – platform for Travel Trade insight and communication

Visit our company profile and get to know our Travel Trade / B2B insight and activities (in English), especially aimed at the foreign markets at linkedin.com/company/nordnorsk-reiseliv.

MyNewsDesk – newsroom for press material

This is a collection of press material with content for the press and media (in English). Find journalists relevant to your content. Visit our newsroom for Northern Norway and Svalbard at mynewsdesk.com/northern-norway.

Mediabank – free photo and film for profiling

Our common mediabank is a collaboration between NordNorsk Reiseliv AS and most destination companies, municipalities and organisations (in English). Download photos and films for profiling the country and marketing your experiences from our international media.nordnorge.com.