Safer ski touring

Lars Petter Jonassen

Spectacular scenery and easily accessible summits make Northern Norway a paradise for ski touring, but it does not always come without some risk

Film by: CARE / / Arctic 365 / Police / Northern Norway Tourist Board.
Film footage: Petr Pavlíček & Bernart Wood

In 15 years, more than 100 people have died in avalanche accidents in Norway. So it is urgent to prevent more accidents! New tools is under development, with updated information about safer summit skiing for tourists and foreign guides.

Suggested ski summit tours

Skiguide ( is a new app with a map over the norwegian mountains, and suggestions for trips all over the country. It is developed as a collaboration between the CARE (Center for Avalanche Research and Education), and companies in Troms specialized in winter tourism.

The app is made up of data, shared by summit skiiers from their own tours, to draw up alternative safer routes in the app. The first tracks that is will be followed by others, so it is important to list the right and safer paths! The app operates with test data at the moment, and will probably be launched in March 2024.

Tomorrows avalanche forecast

With close proximity to the sea, the snow and weather conditions in Northern Norway may differ from what you are used to and skilled for. collected information which can help you stay safe and get the best out of your stay in Norway:

Ski touring in Norway – important information |

Todays and tomorrows weather

Northern Norway is mostly close to the sea, where the weather often changes quickly. This may change the snow and avalanche conditions, reducing the visibility and your ability to navigate safely. Most updated weather forecasts in Norway is

Be prepared to help yourself. Compared to the alps, Norway has a small population with vast mountain ranges. Rescue resources are few and far between. It might take a while before you get help.
Film 2 by: Johan Wildhagen/ @NveNo In collaboration with @norskluftambulanse