Sunniva Tønsberg Gaski/Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune

The Finnmark Summer Ticket takes you across the top of Europe in the Midnight Sun

A travel pass that takes you between fjords, islands, rocky coastlines and endless wilderness in a multi-cultural region at Europe’s northern extremity is a godsend for the advanced travellers. It allows you to venture well off the beaten track for 10 days.

The far north of Norway, Norway’s top end province of Finnmark, enjoys daylight 24/7 during the summer. All this daylight makes you want to explore the fabulous landscapes. From the fjords and islands in the west across the endless wilderness plains to the remote eastern coasts there is endless variety. Culturally, the area is equally rich, with Sami, Finnish and Norwegian cultures living side by side. Some of the memorable moments are often found at the end of the road. The Summer Ticket of Finnmark helps you find them for a good price for 10 days.

PS. This Travel Pass is from 2024 only for Finnmark (not Troms anymore) and is now for 10 days.

Travel limitless across Finnmark

Buses, both local buses and long distance, high speed catamaran boats, local boat to islands and even the passenger fare on ferries across fjords; most things called public transport are included in the Finnmark Summer Ticket. It is valid in the summer season and allows you to cover large distances and many means of transportation for a fixed, low price. Pensioners, honorees, children and military get half price.

Express buses connect the main centres

Comfortable and fast buses run along the main arteries of Northern Norway. Bus 64 from Kirkenes takes you around the Varanger Fjord to Vardø, offering countless stop-over possibilities along this culturally rich road. Route 130 runs daily from Hammerfest to Varangerbotn, with a transfer to Vardø and Kirkenes, while route 120 runs from Alta via Sami Karasjok and Kautokeino to Varangerbotn, with connections to Vardø and Kirkenes. Route 110 runs from Alta to Honningsvåg and the North Cape.

Local buses lead to beautiful secrets

If you take the minibus from Kjøllefjord to Gamvik, you end up in a little village of 100 people with a fantastic little museum, an archaeological trail and the northernmost lighthouse on Europe’s mainland, complete with simple accommodation. Find your own Gamvik, on the northernmost coasts, along a blue fjord or in an inland valley.

Local boats go to island communities

Anyone seeking solitude and local life should try the local boats. They run to those places where you can’t go by car. From the fishing village of Havøysund (some 1000 inhabitants) the MåsøyXpressen, a small, yet covered, safe and comfortable boat sails to notably B350/355 Ingøy/Rolvsøy. Buy your in-a-plastic-cup coffee from an vending machine, and maybe stay the night in a small guesthouse. This is as remote as it gets. Use it to look for your own private midnight sun beach.

How do you buy the ticket?

In this day and age, you of course fix it online. Download the apps Snelandia Mobilett and purchase this 10-days ticket there. More information on the ticket, the conditions and anything else is explained on the website of Snelandia.

How do I plan?

For day-to-day planning, use the travel planner. For the Finnmark area (rought Alta and north/east), you use the Snelandia website. You download it as an app too. There is also an information telephone, 177, for advice. Local tourist boards are usually very well versed in boat and bus timetables and help out if the geography is a little overwhelming. Another option is the EnTur website, a national website will all public transportation in the country.

What is not included?

The ticket covers all transportation run by the county, or province of Finnmark. The shipping line of Kystruten is not run by the county and is consequently not included. All air traffic is privately run and hence not included. Car fares on ferries are equally unincluded, here there are other means of discount. Also the Flybussen, the airport express buses, are not included.

Why use public transport?

Today’s travellers think more about the footprint they leave behind. A bus somewhere in rural Finnmark is hardly ever full but receives a financial support from the county to ensure this service exists. When you take this bus, it means you take a bus that would run anyway, and your ride is thus carbon neutral. The experienced travellers also value contact with the local community as they travel. Expect to meet locals travelling to festivals, visiting relatives, heading to sport activities and cultural events. Finally, compared with renting a car, the Summer Ticket comes out more economical.